The Drive Management Colour in a team!

It is important to build a team with different players!

Each of your member will bring a specific personality and skills to YOUR team.
These types of personalities are defined by colours and qualities.

Knowing the pesonality type of your colleagues, allow you to get a better understanding of what motivate each individual, provide them with appropriate tasks, responsabilities and make your business a success.

From the Management Drives Test I did in a formal company I was working for, six colour can be identified each of them relates to a quality

Every person has a mix of various colours, one being more predominant. They react differently under different circumstances (stress, deadlines, team setup…).

Drives Management

Red: LeaderBlue: Organiser / PlannerYellow: Visionary Orange: EntrepreneurGreen: ListenerPurple: Conservator
+ Type R : Resilient individuals who turn challenges into opportunities in times of upheaval, crisis, and change.

How am I different and why you should Hire Me?

I am the type R (with Orange as second colour). Which make me stand out of the box!

I am very Analytics and Goal-Oriented

I am very dedicated to my work, result and always find a way to realise my target even if I have no clue how to do it. I will take the initiative to learn a new skills by myself or find the binome to work with.

I will try, fail, try again... rest, work on something different... Try again, got a bit higher, drop back... ask another opinion... Try again, eating a piece of chocolate (espacially true when I do Rock Climbing ;-)!) and SUCCEED!

I rather work remotely-hybrid, in a quiet environment, to avoid distraction, focus on my tasks and optimise my time (waist less time on the transportation). But at the social I am social, love to do activities and bring people together and have nice discussion...

I wrote a similar article on my Linkedin . Got check it and connect with me!